Thursday, June 25, 2009

A dirty God

Sometimes I think that God, pure and holy as he his, loves to get dirty with us. It seems at least in my experience that when I screw up he is right there saying, "uhh probably not a good idea but we can work with it, lets see what we can do with it." As a former pastor of mine once said, "ministry is messy" and I have to agree. It seems to me that life in general is messy. I know that there are implication to what I'm saying and I run those risks hoping that I'm well thought out. The truth of the matter is that we claim a God who is evidenced in the everydayness of life. We claim the ability to pray and the crazy thing is we expect answers. What's even more crazy is that in my experience God gives answers. So would it be so wrong to see God as being in the trenches with us? Consider this for a moment. If God calls me to do something, lets say for example God calls me to vocational ministry. Is it our experience that we do those things alone? There is more than one Christian out there that would say, "No, God is with me/us."
Allow the minds eye to paint the picture of a God who gets dirty with us. What a powerful image.

God just might have dirt under his fingernails.

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